I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Poem Kills Man

How it happened is he read a poem
with a lot of strange caesuras
and subject changes in the wrong
places and just fell dead—
asphyxiated on all those dipthongs
thicketed with strangling fricative
consonants spoken on the dregs of his breath
by the last word of the only end-stopped line.

With his eyes blood-shot and his lungs collapsed,
he rolled up under his desk and died there.
The poet said that poem has always
been misinterpreted; that man
was the first one to truly understand it.

1 comment:

RugbyToy said...

That should have been your Ars Poetica.

It's a good piece.

I wish I could wrap you up and keep you in my pocket.

But it's full of cough drop wrappers, anyway.

I'm sorry I yelled about your second person usage. I didn't mean to upset you.