I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Music

Music is now the sound of time passing.
It's the last layer of the audible ether.
It's our soundtrack of silence.
If you sit in an empty room,
breathing noislessly, and let
the top-40 tunes echo in a sealed off
arbor of your brain so that you don't
hear your heart beat or your lungs empty,
you've found the new meditative place, our
tranquility. And when you hear
one of those songs again, you'll wonder
where you'd heard it before. What
you'll decide is that it's just music;
you know that sound--and then the door
in your head will shut and the silence
will come flushing back in with thin
tiled walls that crumble with the least listening.

1 comment:

Squamish Writers Group said...

Hi Eric!

Congrats on your Poem A Day efforts. It IS tough huh? But I like your idea of linking each other - and maybe others will take up the baton. If I know I have your company, I'm sure I'll be inspired to post more. Today I've posted a language poem - I think.

Thanks for your comment