I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Watched Through Dark Windows

It's late and cold. I park the car and lock it,
though this isn't a neighborhood where you'd need to.
The lawns are all well kept and the streets
are all curves, no right angles, no stop signs.
I'm looking for a house I saw once when I was young.
No one lives there now so I decided its ok
to get out and look, just from the street.
There aren't any sidewalks here so I have to walk
through the yards of a neighborhood that looks
like they'd call the police, and there are signs that say so.
When I find the house, it's hidden in the trees.
I stand at the no tresspassing sign, with nothing
to look at, just enjoying the feeling, hanging on me
like a long coat, of being a suspicious looking person.

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