I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I like the holidays set aside to celebrate
an emotion. We have one for Love, one
for Thankfulness, and one, you could say,
for Fear. I’d like one, though, for boredom.
A day to celebrate ennui by forcing it out
of its room full of TVs, radios and newspapers,
and make it do something with what it’s learned.
We’d tell stories of the still minutes we spent
listening to our brains and waiting for them
to say something new, for our bodies
to move in carry us through the street,
lift our hands and knock them on the door
that we’ve somehow kept missing the last...
how long has it been? Then when you’ve told
your story, you listen to another. You’ve put
the one who’s celebrated today in a loud
pair of shoes and a long coat we all
recognize, and when he goes sweeping
his soles up the sidewalk, everyone
glances up fast before he sees them looking.

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