I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I ate my breakfast on the porch this morning
because it was sunny, windy, and warm,
and because I've read about the effects
of sunlight on the body, about vitamin D
and circadian rhythms. I sit here so
I'll learn again what daytime is. I want
to be driven by the sun again. I've worked
to many nights. I run the machinery
behind the curtain and I only walk out
in the light where everything's working
on my way home. I sleep through the show.

My skin leaches vitamin D into my blood
like a dirty rag in a pail of clean water.
I can feel it happening. My bones become
tough and pliable, eating my flesh
from the inside out and growing mean
inside me like a foetus so when I die,
my bones will stand up with fresh marrow
and get to doing the important work again.

1 comment:

Rod said...

I love how I am presented with this compelling picture of sunlight and healthful vitamin D on the front porch followed by the vision which takes this scene and distorts it into a swirling vortex draining into the abyss.

I was completing overtaken by it. Great job.