I'm back to writing a poem every day, whether they stink or not.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A Mystery

I woke up sick.
Why was I sick?
I ate too much.
I also drank too much.
My daughter was sick.
I went to work.
I worked down to bottom
of my muscles. My stomach
groaned and I sat dizzy.
I sat until I could work.
I worked until I must sit.

I went home for lunch.
I slept. I drank tea.
I ate an energy bar.
I was well again.
Why was I well?
I wanted to know.
All three, perhaps?
I did exactly the right
three things and I rose healed.

I stayed well the rest
of the day. The way
a body works is still
a mystery to me.
Still a scupture of locks
and the world a box,
heavy and sagging
with keys.

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